New Goordial Lab Logos! Thanks to Lisa Coe for the design. Check out her portfolio and website here . Lisa designed several versions for us, including BLM and LGTBQ+ tweaks too!! I am thrilled with the results.
In this deceivingly simple design, the coloured lines represent the environments we work in, and how microbes drive nutrient cycling between these interfaces ( land, vegetation, ice and ocean). The two circles represent planetary scale processes, the larger one here on Earth, and the smaller red one representing the extraterrestrial planetary bodies we hypothesize life can occur on ( in a field of science known as Astrobiology). See some of these logos below!

Dec 2020
Congrats to MSc candidate Claudia Wood, for receiving a MacSon fellowship @UofG_SES! Claudia is looking at microbial activity in Antarctic dry permafrost, part of a NASA exobiology project.