Hi! My name is Lexi (she/her) and I am a PhD student in Environmental Microbiology. I hold a Master of Environmental Sciences and a BSc in Microbiology/Molecular Biology and Genetics from University of Guelph. My research investigates the role of cryophilic microorganisms in Arctic permafrost, with a focus on greenhouse gas dynamics in a warming climate. Using genomic sequencing and sub-zero microbial cultivation, my research also aims to investigate the cold adaptation strategies utilized by permafrost microbiota so that we may better understand how life may exist on cold worlds.
Outside of my research, I am a coordinator of the Guelph chapter of 500 Women Scientists, where we work to uplift and empower scientists that are traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields. I am also the PhD representative for the Graduate Student Council in the School of Environmental Sciences, where I advocate for doctoral students in the department.
When I’m not at work, I am usually hanging out with my two cute kitties, practicing yoga, or playing Dungeons & Dragons.